Sunday, October 2, 2016

I'm Still Here!

Hey y'all! I haven't forgotten about you!

This week has been busy, and I haven't had too much to post. I'm working on the playroom, but running into a few delays (Target hasn't had all the letters I need to make the words for the wall, Husband hasn't found a new shelving unit he likes to replace the one we're going to put down in the playroom, etc).

We did get the chairs and they are in place! I'll update that this week for sure. All that's left is to move a tub out, put the bookshelf in, put the words on the walls and order the floor cushions! I'm grabbing the clipboards from Target today (hopefully they have them!)

I'm also going to be doing a 30 day blogging challenge starting tomorrow! Some posts will be short, some longer, some interesting, some not. Make sure you check it out each day, or subscribe (link on the right!) so you can stay up to date! I won't be linking each one to Facebook, as that would get obnoxious, so bookmark the page and come back often!

During the challenge, I'll also be posting the normal 15 minute projects, Kiddo Krafts, and Room Makeovers. You might get 2 posts on some days!

Stick with me-- I'm still here!

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