Sunday, September 25, 2016

Kiddo Krafts-- Mickey's Medals

Anyone else have a Mickey Clubhouse fan? Booger is obsessed! One of the newest episodes was Olympic- themed and called "Mickey's Sporty-thon". It had the Clubhouse members and friends doing all sorts of sports-- basketball, swimming, running, biking, etc.

At the end, they all got Mickey Medals.

So what does Booger need for when shes plays obstacle course in her playroom? A Mickey Medal, of course!

Now, before we go further into this Kiddo Kraft, know that I had to do this on the fly, so  there are spots I will explain how to do it better than I did!

You'll need:
**Tin foil
** ribbon
** Scissors
** Tape (I used scotch tape, but duct tape would probably stick to the foil better)
** hard circular object (cardboard would work well, so you could leave it inside the foil for structure)

Making the medals was pretty easy:

1. Take a piece of foil, wrap it around your circular object. I used a lid to a water cup, so I first wrapped it around, took out the lid, then flattened it back into the circle shape. This is where a piece of cardboard cut into a circle would be better-- wrap the tin foil around the cardboard and leave it in for structure.

2. Cut a piece of ribbon as long as needed to make the medal necklace length for your kiddo.

3. Tape the ribbon to the "medal" and voila! You can also decorate it, make different color medals for different places, etc. I did have a flower taped to one, but Booger didn't like it and ripped it off....

And that's it! Mickey Medals for everyone!

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