Friday, October 7, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: My Proudest Moment

These are getting so difficult, as I have to keep choose one time!

But I don't think that I can.

My deepest sense of pride comes with my babies. I constantly tell Booger how proud of her I am for everything she does. From the first time she rolled over, to present day, Not a week goes by without me telling her that I'm proud of her. Lately it comes in the form of being a great big sister. Seriously, she could not be better (ok, except for the times she starts screaming outside of Chunk's room while hes napping, but other than that...). She is always finding ways to help me with him, always saying nice things to him, always ready to play, or sing, or talk, or hang out next to him.

I am so proud to call these two kiddos mine. They are both amazing and I know I will continue to be proud of their accomplishments, their personalities, and their successes over the years.

(Short post this morning; working on a Room Makeover post for this afternoon!

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