Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 3 (and Day 4); Making Popsicles

I swear, I had Day 3 posted yesterday.... but here I find it sitting in Drafts and not Published.. oops!
So here is Day 3 AND 4 AND a quick post on a fun activity for Kiddos!

Day 3: Your Favorite Quote

This one was a bit difficult... there are so many good quotes out there that inspire, make me happy, make me thankful, etc. One that has always stood out to me is a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote:

I've actually had this printed out and in my planner for a long time, so I could see it every day. Its a great reminder to relax, enjoy life, and not take things too seriously. A good reminder to not stress over the little things and to live in the moment. 

What's your favorite quote??

Day 4: Your Dream Job

This one is tough too! I think my dream job would be something with travel. Or something in Australia. Maybe Samantha Brown's job, from the old Travel Channel shows. She got to just explore different countries and cities and film a TV show about it. There didn't have to be anything specific she had to do, just roam around, finding different places to eat, things to do, people to talk to. I think that would be fabulous. I would start in Australia, travel the whole country, then move on to Europe. 

Of course, I would bring my whole family with me. And it wouldn't be stressful travelling with babies (one can wish, right?). 

Yup. That would be it. Be Samantha Brown :-)

Making Popsicles

Booger has been asking me for popsicles for days now, and I kept forgetting until Tuesday afternoon. It's such an easy and quick thing to do, and Booger loves to help! I need to start cooking more and including her as a helper. She makes a fantastic sous least with stirring. Worlds Best Stirrer is her new title. 

We bought our popsicle mold from Ikea years ago, but these from Amazon are super cute too!
Mold 1  Mold 2 (good for smaller babies/ toddlers) Mold 3

I also like making our own, as we can control the ingredients and how healthy to make them!

For this batch, we first had to make some lemonade. Booger was the best at that, as there was a lot of stirring to do :-)

Then, we used the lemonade and some juice (100% juice-- orange, strawberry, mango blend). There are 6 molds, so we did 3 lemonade, 3 juice. 

In each, we also added some fruit. 2 raspberries, 2 blueberries, 2 strawberry. 

The best part is eating-- you don't know which popsicle is which so its a nice surprise!

Have you made your own Popsicles? They're so easy and fun for the kiddos to help!

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