Monday, October 10, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 6

If you didn't notice, I am not planning on doing the Blogging Challenge over the weekend days. Those are reserved for family and fun!

On Saturday, we took the kids to the pumpkin/apple farm. We have gone the past 3 years (1 without kids, 2 with just Booger, and now with Chunk too!). Booger had a great time helping us pick out the bag of apples, the apple donuts, and her own small cider pumpkin sippy cup. She held onto that thing for the rest of the trip.

Then it was time to go to the other side with the fun activities and pumpkins! This was definitely her favorite part-- a giant slide (she even went down once by herself!), tractors to climb, animals to see. She loved the corn kernel "sandbox".
Chunk was in and out of sleep most of the time, but he loved looking around at everything and everyone while he was up!

Sunday was my best friend's baby's first birthday. I cannot believe he is already ONE! It seems like just yesterday we were getting our matching tattoos (2012), or rooming in college (2004-2005), or playing mancala, going swimming, seeing Titanic in the theatre and oogling over Leo, or playing badminton in my backyard. I've known this girl since before I was 10 years old (neither one of us knows exactly when we met!) and here we are, a handful of kids between us. Life is crazy, isn't it?

So on to Blogging Challenge

Day 6: Something You Fear

The easy way out of this challenge is to just say something like Spiders or Bees or those super creepy crawly things with 800 legs.

While those are all terrifying, thats not a challenge.

There are two things I genuinely fear, but one has been around longer than the other. One thing is losing my children. I get flashes of car crashes, accidents, kidnappings etc all. the. time. Probably the same as any parent, but its truly frightening. My stomach clenches, my heart seizes up, and I start to panic when I think of things that could happen.

But the one thing that has been around longer than my fear of losing my children is the fear of failure. I truly fear being a failure at things. A failure as a mother, a failure as a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter, an employee, etc. Especially if it is something that I have total control over. If it's personal. I try to do my best, but sometimes my best is only so good. I take things personally, even if it was not my fault. I try to please everyone, try to be the problem solver, the middle man. I try to make everyone see both sides of the story, so that no one is too unhappy.

Failure is always a possibility. It's how you react to it, and grow from it that shapes who you are. It is something I will always have to work on, to tell myself to use it as a learning tool instead of a fear.

What is something that you fear?

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