Monday, October 3, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 1

Challenge: Discuss Your Blog's Name:

Why did I choose Be Happy, Be Bright, Be You?

Because it embodies everything I try to be and I try to instill in my kiddos.

Be Happy. I want that not only for myself, my children, but for everyone. I want this blog to be a place about happiness, about laughter, about enjoyment. The only negative aspect you'll see me post here is usually about what jerks toddlers can be :-P But then again, its all about love. 

Be Bright. I try to tell this to Booger quite often. It has a lot of different meanings-- be bright, as in smart. Be bright, as in internal happiness, a sort of glow. Be bright, as in shine in everything you do, try hard, give it your all. Be bright, as in be happy, a bright smile. 

Be You. I almost didn't have this at the end, but after a few days with the name, I had to add it. Its one thing to be happy and bright, but another to just be YOU. Be who you are, be who you want to be. Don't try to be someone else to make others happy. Empower yourself!

So I guess my blog name isn't really about me, its about YOU. These are all aspects I want YOU to be, to strive for, to achieve. I hope my posts reflect that!

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