Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Room Makeover- The Playroom... almost done!

Guys, my computer has been so super slow lately. It's taking forever to edit some pictures to put in this post. It is very annoying and I am very frustrated and I have no idea what to do about it. Any computer helpers out there?

Anyway, the playroom is *almost* done. I have one more set of letters to paint and hang ("Laugh"- Target just couldn't have all the letters in stock at the same time!) and the shelf/ bench to put in- Husband is working on it this week- he needs to take all his stuff off and find a replacement.

Other than that, we're done! The chairs are in, the toys are set, the other words are on the wall. I have one puzzle to hang, but that takes only a moment.

This is where we currently are:

The shelf/ bench will go where those bins are now, hopefully with new bins to hold more of the toys.

"Laugh" will go to the right of the windows, at the same height as "Play".

We decided against the floor cushions for now. Booger still loves to run around and kick balls and generally be a dork, so we want the extra floor space. When the kids get bigger and do more video games/ movie watching in the room than toy playing, then we'll add the cushions. For now, the chairs work well (and are mainly sat in by me anyway while watching them play).

Then we'll be done! I'll post a before/after post later this week, if we get the shelves in. Maybe this weekend as I work a few nights this week. For now, here we go:

We're also decorating for Halloween this weekend, I'm going to review all the new shows I'm watching this season, I have a Book Review on tap and homemade applesauce to share (not literally, just the recipe. But make it- it's delicious!)

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