Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 2

Challenge: 10 Things About Me

1. I am adopted. My parents searched for me through the newspaper (hey, it was the 80's!). They had a few mothers considered and I was the first one born. I had my first plane ride at only 4 days old!

2. I've worn glasses since 2nd grade, contacts since 8th, and am not a good canidate for Lasik because my prescription changes every. single. year. This year one of my eyes actually got better! Thanks, pregnancy!

3. I've been skiing since I was 2 years old. I entered a few contests at resorts we've been to when I was in high school, but nothing major. My brother and I were so good, though, that our parents had to put us in Ski School because they couldn't keep up with us (by the time we were like 7/8). But we were so good, we got our own instructor because the other kids couldn't keep up either. Jumps, tree trails, and tricks were my favorites. 

4. I started competitive swimming in High School because my mother said I had to do something after school. Glad I joined swimming, because I've now made an entire life and career out of it...

5. I'm a very fast reader. It's actually a problem because I finish books too fast and then buy more. I attended multiple Harry Potter midnight releases, and my friends hated me because I read too fast and sometimes would accidentally spoil things by laughing or crying...

6. I've always had dogs in my life. My parents had a dog when they got married. When I was in 1st grade we added a Golden Retriever. The first dog passed when I was little, and then we got a crazy mutt. Both the Golden and the Mutt had to be put down (they were inseperable) when I was a senior in High School. A few months later, my mom got a Yorkie. 6 years ago, Husband and I got Cozmo, our crazy Corgi1

7. I dislike trashy reality TV. Any of the Real Housewives, Bachelors, etc drive me crazy. I don't understand how people watch that junk. Some reality shows are ok, but not those types. 

8. I don't understand Twitter, Snap Chat and Instagram. I have a Facebook...which does the job of all of those things in one place. I've had a Facebook since 2005, when my college (Go Bradley!) was approved for it....yes, when it was still for college kids and you had to have an approved college and college based email to register. 

9. I love organizing but am messy at the same time. I tend to put things in piles while organizing, but sometimes those piles stay in that place for a while... I've always loved organizing and rearranging rooms, but get super distracted while doing so, and then move on because I get bored... whoops. 

10. I like to travel, but don't do it often. I've been to a lot of US states, Canada, Mexico, London, Belgium (all over the country. LOVE LOVE LOVE it there), Germany (just 1 city though), France (just 1 city) and Australia. If I could split my time between Belgium and Australia, I would in a heartbeat. I want to go back to Australia so bad, and would love a summer home in Brugge!

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