Friday, October 21, 2016


Hey y'all.... see that wagon over there? The big red one rolling down the street?

Ya, that's me on the side of the road. I fell off the wagon....

I started blogging because it was fun, and I had some fun things to do/say. Recently it's become more of a chore than fun. While I feel like some people are interested in reading this (as some people do tell me in person), I also feel like no one is reading it and I'm talking to myself :-P

I haven't posted in 10 days, and the only thing that's changed is the fact that I keeping writing "BLOG" at the top of my To Do Lists. Some days I have more time than others to get behind my computer and write something out. But I don't want to just put anything out there, which is why I stopped the Blogging Challenge.

Starting November, I'm going to be doing the National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. It's a month long challenge to write 50,000 words-- the length of a small novel. I completed the challenge in 2014, and plan to do it again in 2016. Which means all my free time will be going towards that. So blogging will take another backseat.

Honestly, if I don't post this to my facebook page, no one sees it anyway. If for some reason you do, will you leave me a comment and let me know? I will try to keep posting randomly, with Kiddo Krafts, some more Room Makeovers (not sure what will be next though), and some 15 minute projects if we do any. But I'm not going to force any posts just to have a post.

So I hope you enjoy what gets put up. Let me know what you'd like to see!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Blogging Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: Your 5 Favorite Songs

Hmm... another hard one. I've never really been one for a favorite song. I have favorite songs at the time, where I am in love with a song for a while, but not really any of all time.

I guess some that stand out are:

1. Savage Garden, I Knew I Loved You
I remember when this song came out. I listened to it over and over and over. I knew I wanted to use it as the first dance song at my wedding. While everyone else was obsessed with Truly, Madly, Deeply, I was obsessed with this.

2. Jason Mraz, The Remedy
I have loved Jason Mraz since this album came out. I remember buying it, and playing it in the rental car while with my dad when we visited my aunt and family. Luckily my dad doesn't mind all the crazy things I do, and was willing to listen with me. I still think its a great reminder to not worry about things and to let loose. Its also one of my favorites to sing along to!

3. Fun. Some Nights
I love this song. I rocked out in my car a hundred times to this song. Booger knows that when this song comes on, its "mommys song". The craziest part of this song is how your perception of it changes after you see the video. I also love dancing around the house to this. Many, many times. I so wish they would come out with another album.

4. Imagine Dragons, On Top of the World
Such a fun, happy song (see a pattern?) The best thing about this song is when I saw them play it live in concert last year (June, 2015). I went with my BFF. It was monsooning outside, literally ocean waves coming down on my car. It was also the night of the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup final game. The concert started, Imagine Dragons played songs from their newest album, Smoke and Mirrors. Then they started a ballad. A slow, steady, heartfelt ballad. When all of the sudden, a loud rousing cheer began to spread through the stadium-- not a normal cheer for a slow song. Everyone was on their phones in a second as the cheer got louder and louder and louder-- the Hawks won the Cup!! The band was so confused, they stopped playing. The lead singer bent down to ask a dude in the front what was going on. The guy placed a Hawks hat on him and told him they won. The singer announced it to the crowd to more whoops and hollers. Then the band left the stage, gave us our time to celebrate and came back out a few minutes later. They said they weren't going to do this song, but it felt like the right time to do so-- and started in with On Top of the World. It was perfect. The rest of the concert was amazing as well.

5. Gavin Degraw, I Don't Want to Be
This was the theme song to one of my favorite TV shows ever-- One Tree Hill. It introduced me to Gavin Degraw, who I now love, love, love. I also went to one of his concerts with my BFF :-P All of his albums are amazing. Not to mention, hes super cute and awesome. I'm so upset he doesn't have any dates in the Chicago area for his new tour with Andy Grammar...

So there you have it-- my top 5 favorite songs (currently, at least!)

Room Makeover- The Playroom... almost done!

Guys, my computer has been so super slow lately. It's taking forever to edit some pictures to put in this post. It is very annoying and I am very frustrated and I have no idea what to do about it. Any computer helpers out there?

Anyway, the playroom is *almost* done. I have one more set of letters to paint and hang ("Laugh"- Target just couldn't have all the letters in stock at the same time!) and the shelf/ bench to put in- Husband is working on it this week- he needs to take all his stuff off and find a replacement.

Other than that, we're done! The chairs are in, the toys are set, the other words are on the wall. I have one puzzle to hang, but that takes only a moment.

This is where we currently are:

The shelf/ bench will go where those bins are now, hopefully with new bins to hold more of the toys.

"Laugh" will go to the right of the windows, at the same height as "Play".

We decided against the floor cushions for now. Booger still loves to run around and kick balls and generally be a dork, so we want the extra floor space. When the kids get bigger and do more video games/ movie watching in the room than toy playing, then we'll add the cushions. For now, the chairs work well (and are mainly sat in by me anyway while watching them play).

Then we'll be done! I'll post a before/after post later this week, if we get the shelves in. Maybe this weekend as I work a few nights this week. For now, here we go:

We're also decorating for Halloween this weekend, I'm going to review all the new shows I'm watching this season, I have a Book Review on tap and homemade applesauce to share (not literally, just the recipe. But make it- it's delicious!)