Monday, August 1, 2016

It's My Birthday, I Can Party If I Want To!

Today marks 30 years of my existence on this planet.


I had hoped to have some words of wisdom, inspirational quotes, or sage advice to give today, but I'm running a bit short, I suppose.

What will I do differently in my 30's than in my 20's? Not sure. Maybe use more sunscreen. Take my makeup off every night. Drink more water. You know, all the boring things.

Maybe I'll also start saying "yes". Go to that party. Attend the gathering. Travel more. Stop thinking that I can't do this or that because of the kiddos. Because of money. Because I don't want to, or it goes too late, or whatever excuse it is. I need to get out of the house more...

I've lived through a lot in my 30 years. Not as much as others, but enough for me. I'm a child of the 80's, a time of spandex and scrunchies. The 90's of ripped jeans and flannel shirts. I graduated junior high in 2000, or as we liked to write, 2K. We survived the millennium without hoarding food and creating a bunker. High school before the age of the internet was glorious- my awkward teenage years were no where to be found online. Facebook didn't even exist yet. I didn't get my first cell phone until 2002/2003 and you couldn't even take a picture on it and texting meant pressing 1 three times for a C. College came quick and life hit me in the face hard. I met my husband in 2006. Married him in 2009. Lost my mother 4 months after that.
We purchased our first home in early 2010. Got our first dog that June.
Purchased our second home in September 2013.
We had our first child at the end of 2013 and our second just 2 months ago.
I've been to Disney World more times than I can count. I've been to numerous states on ski vacations. Seen DC, Boston, New Orleans, California, Las Vegas on vacations. Been to Belgium, France and London.

That's a lot in 30 years, no? I think the next 10 should bring even more joy, happiness and thrill. Not just for me, but for my family.

And also just for me. Because I deserve to be a bit selfish every now and then, right?

Happy birthday to me :-)

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