Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Road Trip!

Yesterday we packed up the bags, loaded the car, and took a Road Trip!

Ok, I lied. It wasn't really a road trip. More like a short drive to see the in-laws. The trip still took just over 2 hours each way though. Thankfully, everything went smoother than the family above!

What are some tips and tricks I use for taking 2 kids on the road?

** for a nursing baby, feed right before you get into the car. That way they'll be sleepy and full, which hopefully will lead them to sleep the whole ride. Chunk was up a bit, but was quiet and content during those brief moments.
** for older kids, try to leave close after a meal, so they are also full and not going to get cranky as soon as you get on the highway.
** for those in diapers-- change right before getting in the car. Bring many backups.
** for those that are potty trained-- use bathroom right before getting in car. If newly potty trained like Booger, use a Pull Up for the car ride. Booger did great, and the pull up was completely dry when we got to Grandpa's. She went straight to the potty and used it! Better safe than sorry though!
** pack snacks that are easy to eat and pass around the car. Fruit snacks, pretzels, grapes, Goldfish, etc. are all good options. Also, ones that won't cause a mess if spilled! Pack them in reusable items like snack cups or zip lock bags so they have a home in case you don't finish them (or said child decides he/she doesn't want them any more...)
**bring extra of everything-- each kid had an extra pair of pants, diaper/underwear/Pull Up, and shirt. I had an extra burp cloth, bib, wipes, and more. My bag weighed double what it normally does, but when Booger had a small #2 accident, I was glad for the backups!

**Let the kiddos choose what they want to play with. We keep a box of small toys by Boogers car seat. Before she gets in, she chooses a toy. For a longer drive, I let her choose a coloring book, some stickers, and any other small item from the house to bring into the car. That way, she knew what was coming, what to ask for, and didn't get upset from the surprise of an unwanted toy (because mommies can't ever choose the right thing, right?)
   *keep the bag of toys up front with you. Pass them back one at a time in sporadic intervals, so each toy is appreciated/wanted. Don't use the whole bag within the first hour!!
** because Booger was a bit cranky when we left, I used my car diffuser with some calming oils to get everyone relaxed and unwind in the car. Unfortunately, Booger did not take a nap on the way down as we assumed she would. She did sleep about an hour on the way home, but that was it. Thankfully, she went to bed at her normal time without a fight!
** Let babies cry. When Booger was little, she would cry the last 30 minutes of the ride home every. single. time. This time, Chunk cried almost the last hour. And guess what? There's nothing you can do about it. Booger was a bit cranky (no, I don't WANT the song on! Turn it off!) due to lack of sleep, so the last hour was interesting. Besides pulling over, which usually makes a baby crankier, you just have to let it go. Chunk got upset when the car stopped so I could take Booger to the bathroom at a rest stop, and it was downhill from there for him (never stop a moving car with a sleeping baby!)
   *this is if you know they aren't hungry, are safe in their seat, not cold/hot, etc. Luckily neither of my babies cared much about a dirty/wet diaper, so I knew that wasn't bothering him either. 

What are some of your tried and true tips/tricks for car rides with littles?

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