Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Morning Routine

Are you fascinated with how people start their day like I am? How super successful people plan, execute, get started and have a productive day? I'm constantly pinning articles on Pinterest about how to get moving and get more done.

A lot of the time, it starts with getting up earlier. Thumbs down from me! But, with Chunk waking up during the night still, I did notice that waking up earlier has helped. My new rule is that if I am up after 5:30am, I stay up. Otherwise I won't wake back up in a timely manner! Since Chunk, I've had a horrible time waking up with alarms-- they'll go off, I'll turn it off, set another, and fall back asleep. I absolutely cannot wake up these days!

So what is my morning routine like?

5:30-6:30am (depending on if Chunk woke me up or an alarm/husband did)-- wake up, throw my FitBit on, head downstairs to make breakfast (if up before 6, I might start a blog post, or chill in bed with my iPad for a few). I try to get a jump start on things by making/setting the delay for the coffee the night before. That way its ready to go when I get downstairs.

6:30-7am: make breakfast for myself, husband, Booger and the dog. Let dog out. Eat breakfast. While eating breakfast, we watch the news/ Good Morning America and I make my daily To Do List.

7am: wake up Booger. Take her potty, downstairs for breakfast. Say goodbye to husband.

7:30am: Get Booger dressed, teeth brushed and onto mama's bed to do hair. Turn on Disney Jr while we do hair. Mama then gets dressed, ready for the day, and gets some work done on the computer. I usually open my EC planner and make sure it's up to date for the week. Continue a blog post or start creating one.

8:30am: Wake up Chunk. Get him dressed and fed.

9am: ready for the day! Start activities/play, go to the park, run errands, etc. Whatever has to be done in the day is usually done between 9-11am.

We try to have a pretty relaxed morning schedule, but we are creatures of habit. Both myself and Booger do best with strict routines, and we don't like to stray from them very much. Even on weekends when Husband and I tend to wake up later, it throws everything off and Booger can become quite the terror or have a more cranky day if so. She likes to be up at 7, down for her nap around 11:30. Usually wakes up by 1, eats lunch and continues on with the day. Interrupt any of that, and she's not a very happy camper. I'm the same way-- my morning routine has changed drastically since having kids, but there still is a routine I follow daily. Do I have to be up at 6 with my husband? Absolutely not. Do I wake up anyway to get the day started? For sure.

Come September, Booger is starting pre-school. She will be there Mondays and Fridays from 9:15-11:45am. So, our schedule will have to change a bit. Most likely, we will adjust all weekdays to follow that schedule so she's not thrown off on random days (especially Monday mornings!).

Well, its 8am here and that means I'm working on my planner and blogging! Time to wake up Chunk soon! Except today we're taking a road trip to my in-laws house so Husbands grandparents can  meet Chunk. Naps and the day will be thrown off, and I'm already expecting Booger to have a cranky evening as she normally does when we make this trip. She sleeps almost the whole way home, which means shes wide awake come bed time. I'll be posting how we get through a short road trip (2.5-3 hours) with kiddos tomorrow!

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