Thursday, August 4, 2016

Making a Plan to Plan

How do you plan? Are you a "keep it all in my head" type of person?
Do you use your phone's calendar or an app to keep everything straight?
Or are you a "if it's not written down, it doesn't exist" kind of gal?

I fit into the last category. I've gone through all of them in the past, but find that writing it down is the only way I remember these days! In High School, I was a firm believer in my 'assignment notebook'. There was NO way I would remember all my homework, swim meets, tests, etc if they were not written down and color coded (yes, I was a nerd). I also utilized the ever handy art of writing small notes on the back of my hand-- a task I sometimes still do to this day.

After college, I used my phone's calendar. The only downside to that was having more than 2-3 appointments on each day-- I would forget I could scroll through them, so I would assume I only had the 2-3 that the main screen showed. Whoops.

So I a few years ago I moved back to the written planner. I always kept a medium sized one, small enough to keep in my purse but large enough to write multiple items on each day.

Last year I was introduced to the Erin Condren Life Planner. This bad boy changed everything. I had multiple friends already using it and raving about them. The only reason I held back was because of it's size-- it was too big to fit into a purse, and quite heavy.

The next time it went on sale though, I snatched one up. And I haven't looked back! I'm so obsessed not only with the planner, but with almost everything on the site. The pens, the markers, the inserts, stickers, interchangeable covers and more! They're all so pretty and useful and shiny and pretty....

Now, I have multiple covers that I can change them whenever I feel. I've also purchased the pens, wet erase markers for the page holder to do lists, extra stickers, post its and more. I'm obsessed.

They have multiple layouts-- I have the vertical, but you can get horizontal or hourly as well! So many different options on everything- layouts, design, coil color, covers, personalizing, etc!

Are you a teacher? I have heard fabulous things about the Teacher's Planner as well!

And if you can't wait to order online, Staples now carries many of the items in store!

Want to get started and get a discount? Use my referral link and get $10 off your first purchase!

Happy Planning!

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