Sunday, July 31, 2016

Top 5 Baby Items

Having a baby? Congratulations!
Overwhelmed at the amount of things a baby needs? Welcome to the club!
Every store you go to will show you a list of "must haves". Don't be fooled-- many of those items are not always needed. The store wants your business, right? The more items they put on the list, the more items you purchase.

So what does a baby need? That's today's Top 5!

(These are items I personally use every day with my two children. Tried and true by this mama! I am not being sponsored for this post, and all opinions are my own.)

1. Fisher Price Rock and Play

This is hands down the Number 1 item that should be on every mother's list. As a breastfeeding mother, waking up multiple times in the night and walking up and down a hallway did not seem appealing. With Booger, I knew I wanted something that could be next to my bed, easy to pick her up out of, and something that could soothe her at the same time. A typical bassinet did not call to me, and they were also mostly very expensive. At just barely $50 (different types have different pricing- check pricing before purchasing!), this Rock and Play fit all my requirements. It has a vibrating feature to soothe, rocks at a push of the hand (or leg as I do while still in bed), and is also easily portable.
I've heard from many other mothers that the small incline is great for babies with acid reflux as well.
It was the first item we pulled out of storage before Chunk came home. He's going to be staying in it until he sleeps through the night, just like Booger. After that, this handy item will be passed on to another deserving mama who wants a few extra minutes of sleep!
(This is the exact one I own- the puppy version)

2. Gerber Burp Cloths

Don't be fooled by the name Burp Cloth. Booger was not a burper, and these bad boys got the most use out of almost everything in our house. Because of their size, they became a makeshift diaper changing pad. They became a small blanket when she was tiny. Now we use them for Chunk's drool, nursing mishaps, and as "nose wipies" for Booger (appropriate?). There are still at least one in every room of the house. They come in so many different colors, and hold up amazingly well. They are thicker so they don't leak through.We have washed them probably a hundred times over the past 2.5 years, and they are still going strong!

3.  Play Gym
This is not the exact play gym that we have, but I linked it because of the musical Turtle in the middle. Ours is a cat, but the lights and sounds from it are what keep the kiddos laughing and cooing for quite some time! Both Booger and now Chunk love their play gym. If you buy some links separately, you can hook whatever your heart desires on the loops! At Chunks age, his hands spasm which hit the toys (you can add links to lower the toys towards the mat so they're closer to their hands), and he gets a massive thrill every time! He smiles and coos at the lights. All the toys are removable, so you can take them on the go (link to the car seat handle), re-position them, or anything you want. The arches also come off, so the mat is still usable as they get bigger.
(Here are the links I'm talking about-- they are also fantastic. Loop them around a toy and the high chair when going out to dinner so the throwing game is foiled. Loop around the car seat handle. Loop around the baby's wrist. Booger likes to pretend they are earrings now at her age. Endless possibilities!)

4. Boppy Pillow

Even if you're not a breastfeeding mama, the Boppy can come in handy in many other ways! Besides being amazing for nursing (holds the baby up higher so no back strain on mom), we use it as a pillow for the baby (resting under his neck/shoulders when on his back, or under his chest when on his tummy). Its fabulous for tummy time, as the baby isn't flat on their tummy which makes them slightly happier. I won't tell you how long it took me to realize it could be used for tummy time with Booger (ok, I will. It was about 2-3 months! Used Day 2 with Chunk....).
It also can be helpful when bottle feeding-- helps prop up moms arm/baby into a more comfortable position.
Lastly, not going to lie here-- Husband has used it as a real pillow on more than one occasion. Hey, if its the closest thing and you're exhausted... a pillow is a pillow!
(This is the cover we currently have for Chunk, and this is the one we used with Booger. Both machine washable and very durable. There are so many options to choose from, however!)

5. Aden + Anais Muslin Blankets 

I'll be honest-- I received these when Booger was born, and I barely used them. Sure, I threw them over her occasionally if I remembered when taking her outside. But having her born in the midst of the -30* weather, they weren't the first blanket I usually grabbed.
Chunk on the other hand, has been using them daily. Booger used a Halo sleep sack to sleep in every night (and had Chunk used it, it would have been my number 5 for sure!), but Chunk is a super sweater, and sleeps in a diaper with one of these muslin blankets as a "swaddle". He likes it rather loose and with his arms out, so its more like a wrap than a swaddle...
Also, since the weather has been so stinking hot lately, Chunk usually is toted around the house in just a onesie. So we keep another blanket downstairs for him if his legs get a bit chilly from the A/C. One also comes in the car for the A/C, and in the store sometimes for the A/C. Two different weather babies, two different stories!
Oh, and one of Booger's favorite activities is making sure Chunk is warm enough, and tucking his blanket in around him... so she makes sure we have one at all times as well!

So there you have it! My current Top 5 Baby items. What are your top items? Leave a comment and let me know!

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