Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kiddo Krafts-- Wonder Crayons

This is a kiddo kraft I've been meaning to do for over a week now, and we finally got the chance to do it this morning.
The best part about this one? It spanned over an hour and a half and I didn't even realize it! I was looking back on the time stamps on the pictures and was amazed-- time truly flew with this one.

Wonder Crayons

**silicone baking mold
** crayons (perfect craft for all the broken, run down crayons at the bottom of the box)

1. Pre-heat oven to 175*

2. Peel paper from crayons, break into small pieces (Booger was very helpful and excited to do this. She loved being able to peel and break them without getting into trouble!)

3. Place broken pieces into mold (in hindsight, we should have only done max 3-4 per mold, some on the very top didn't melt as well)

4. Place into oven for 7-14 minutes (start low and check routinely), until crayons are melted. This is where some of the ones on top did not melt fully. It doesn't effect the use of the cray, just aesthetics. I did try to mix them a bit with a small knife-- maybe a toothpick would have helped more?

5. Once cooled (we went for a walk for 10-15 minutes to let cool), turn mold upside down and pop out-- note, it did stain my mold. Not sure if it comes out in the dishwasher or hand washing as I haven't tried yet.
If not fully cooled, place into freezer for a few minutes. Then, use a paper towel and rub the outside of the crayon (like washing off a strawberry). I found some residue that got on my fingers, and it seemed to wipe off with the paper towel. The crayons still left some color on our fingers, but nothing that couldn't be washed off in the sink.

6. Enjoy and color! We colored a nice picture for Papa. I probably wouldn't recommend the starfish shape, as the legs tend to wear quick with how hard Booger presses, but any shape should do the job! It's fun when the colors come out together- orange and blue with one swipe? Wow!

That's it! Over an hour and a half of entertainment (with a walk thrown in there) and now she has 6 new crayons to play with (3 are being sent as a present to her cousin). It reuses old broken crayons, lets them pick their favorite colors (let them choose which colors to put in each mold), and shows them how to make something new from something old!

I can see this as a great item for a party gift bag, part of a birthday present with coloring books, or just a fun activity for kiddos!

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