Wednesday, July 27, 2016

You are the World's Best Parent

Has anyone complimented you on your parenting skills lately? Well, let me be one to do so:

Who doesn't love inspirational quotes on a picture background?

 Let's face it. Parenting is HARD. You're constantly wondering if you're doing it "right". Worrying that your child will grow up to be the next Charles Manson if you spank them once. You live your life in fear that someone will kidnap your child if you turn to grab a loaf of bread off the grocery store shelf. Wondering if you're giving them the best life possible by signing them up for music class, martial arts, swimming, gymnastics, Mandarin lessons, story time and networking opportunities (previously known as play dates). Or worrying that you're over scheduling them by signing them up for all the above.

But guess what? No matter what you're doing, you're doing FANTASTIC. Do you worry about your child? Good- it shows how much you love them. Are you trying to give every opportunity you can to your child? Good- it shows you want them to succeed...and love them. Do you let your child be a free spirit and draw on the walls and walk around without pants? Fabulous- it shows you want them to grow...and that you love them. 

See a pattern here? No matter what choice you make, you are most likely doing it because you LOVE your child. The second your child was born, you became a parent, the one person responsible for raising this real human being to be an amazing adult. No pressure, right?

So why are other parents hating on parents? Why is social media being used to berate and knock other parents down? Why do parents think its ok to give their two cents about how you are raising your children (isn't that the job of the grandparents?). 

It's not. It's not ok. Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding-- guess what? A child is being FED. Co-sleep vs crib sleep-- guess what? A child has a place to sleep. There are experts in every facet of parenting these days and it's not the mom of three from the Facebook Moms group.  Everyone has an opinion these days, but it doesn't make their opinion right for YOU and your family. Do you want to know if supplementing formula will help your exclusively breastfed baby wean? Great- ask your pediatrician, look at articles from American Academy of Pediatrics. Go with your gut. Get advice from people you actually trust.

YOU are responsible for raising your family. Only YOU can determine what is right for them. Let's get rid of the "parent shaming" and start the "parent complimenting". 

YOU are doing an amazing job raising your children. 
YOU are the World's Best Parent. 
YOU got this. You can do this. You are fabulous. 
Go get 'em, parents. 
Create. Play. Imagine. Discipline. Listen. Laugh. Worry. Live. Fly. Love.  

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