Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Room Makeover Wednesday

Would you believe that we've lived in this house for almost 3 years now?
By looking at most of our rooms, you probably wouldn't. Besides the 'lived in' factor, our house is desperately lacking in decor. While the walls are painted (some better than others, some a color I want to change), most walls don't have anything hanging on them, furniture is sparse, or the room is being used as a landing pod for this and that.

In hopes of sprucing the place up and making it look more homey and somewhat finished, I'll be posting a new room once a month, on the first Wednesday. I'll post the picture of the room, what plans we have or thoughts on decorating, and then get your opinion! Throughout the month we'll be adding the personal touches, hanging things on the wall, adding/subtracting here and there. I'll post each Wednesday with an update and reveal the final room on the last week.

This month, the room will be.....

Chunk's Nursery!

This room started as Husband's collection room when we first moved in. We painted the walls an ugly, dark chocolate color (sorry hubs. It was gross) and he got to work personalizing it.

When we found out we were pregnant with Chunk, we had two rooms as options for his nursery: my craft/ storage room or his collection room. Unfortunately, the craft room did not have a workable closet, and we did not feel like demo'ing walls to create one at the time. So Husband's collection room got moved into the craft room and Chunk got a nursery.

Sadly, second child syndrome set in and it remained mostly empty for a while. The old owners had some sort of flower decal on one wall, which when removed, left residue on the wall. We didn't notice it until we had already painted over it with the brown, so we left it at the time.

Once we picked out a color for Chunk's room, we hired someone to come in and fix the walls (imperfections, holes, decal residue) and paint. Then it sat painted and empty for a while longer.

Finally, we picked out some nursery furniture based on what would fit. We bought the crib and dresser/ changer top from Buy Buy Baby

Chunk's room stats:
**walls are painted Sherwin Williams Evening Shadow
** furniture is from Buy Buy Baby- Westwood Hanley collection
** colors are Navy and Gray

Here are pics of the room as it looks at this moment:
Standing in corner between rocker and closet


Looking into room from doorway

 Rocker from doorway; closet is the wall on the left next to the giant dog

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing on the walls, no shelving, personalization, nada. The curtains just went up about 2 weeks ago, the rocker was added about 3 weeks ago. 

What needs to be done:
** fix the screen outside the window
** paint the window frame 
** fix the closet so it's more functional (and get our clothes out of it!)
** add items to the wall-- going for Star Wars theme (Husband wanted it!)
     *add pieces of art work; Weston's name over the dresser?
** potentially add shelving under the window for  books and toys (currently being housed in the closet or the bin on the floor)
** add a throw blanket for the rocker
** decor over/ behind the crib? new mobile that matches?

Time to get started! Let me know if you have any other fantastic ideas for this room! Or if you know where to get cute but cheap Star Wars wall pieces suitable for a baby! 

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