Thursday, August 18, 2016

Room Makeover- Chunk's Nursery Part 3

This week, I finally tackled his closet and got it nice and organized.

The problem with his closet is that it was custom made for my husbands militaria collection, which includes numerous shirts/jackets. Husband and his dad made shelving and re-did the closet just for his collection. It has two bars with a shelf in the middle, which is unusual for a normal closet. We chose not to change it at this time, as it is usable. Once Chunk is older and using the closet on his own, we may change it (I can barely reach the top bar myself, and I'm 5'7". Husband is 6'4" so he was able to use it easier).

Also, when we replaced our upstairs carpet a few months back, we did it in stages-- the kids rooms/guest room first, then the hall and master bedroom second. When it was time to do the master, we moved some of our items from our closet low bar into Chunk's room so they could access our closet floor easier. And there the clothes stayed for months. Husband actually thought I had donated some of his shirts he was looking for the other day (we did a small closet purge on Sunday), and lo and behold, mama found them in Chunk's closet! Whoops!

Now that our clothes are out, Chunk's have some more room on the bar. Since it's summer, he only has his little t-shirt onesies hanging. I'm not a huge fan of hanging every size (though there are some super cute clothes dividers out there!), so I only hang the size he is currently in. That also helps when Booger or Husband is getting him dressed. Yes, Booger picks out Chunk's shirt every morning :-)

I organized the other items in his closet as well: on the floor holds two toy bins with toys he is no where near ready to play with (but Booger would take out constantly, which is why they are in the closet for now), a large tub full of clothes (I was blessed with a family I taught swim lessons to that gave me a ton of boy clothes from their child for Chunk!), and a "too small" box. Did you know diaper boxes make great additions to any room of your house? More on that later this month! I have a box in each kid's closet, so as soon as I find something that is too small, into the box it goes. Once the box is full, the clothes get taken out.

Now that I have one of each- boy and girl- I don't have to store the clothes anymore. I either try to sell them to other moms for cheap (which is how I get a lot of the kids clothes), give them to friends who have kiddos, or donate them. We will be purging all the clothes in storage by the end of the month for sure (that garage sale we thought we would have never happened...)

Anyway, I didn't take a before picture because I did all the organizing while also helping Booger do other things and Chunk playing under his play gym, and I totally forgot. But here is the after! It looks so much cleaner, neater and more pleasing to the eye. 

Left to do:

** paint inside of window frame
** fix window screen (to the best of our ability so we are able to open the window in nice weather-- the whole window needs replacing, but we are not at that stage yet)
** fix closet doors (when carpet was installed, the doors became too long, so they drag on carpet)
** install shelving or some sort of organization for books and toys

Stay tuned: 

Next week is the last Room Makeover- Chunk's Nursery addition. I'll be posting two options for September Room Makeover for you to help me decide which room is next!

Also, I'll be posting more Kiddo Krafts, the final reveal for the family room bookshelf (the trip to Ikea earlier this week helped finish it off decor wise), and *hopefully* my likes/loves/needs from the new Ikea catalog-- if it ever comes in the mail!

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