Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Room Makeover- Chunk's Nursery finished!

Welcome to the final edition of Room Makeover- Chunk's Nursery!

While this will always be a room that evolves, I couldn't be happier with how it finally turned out.

Adding the artwork to the walls instantly added some color and visual interest.

The shadowbox still makes me smile every time I enter the room.

Organizing his closet allows me to make sure I keep on top of his clothes-- adding the too small ones to the box and rotating in the correct sizes.

And finally, I bought a small drawer organizer for the corner to hold his books and toys. I debated between a shelving unit with baskets and a drawer set, but ultimately the drawers won. I wanted to stick with the gray/navy theme, and felt a white shelving unit would stick out like a sore thumb, especially next to the wood furniture.

My original thought was to put it under the window, however with the air vent and the curtains, it didn't make much sense, so next to the dresser it went.

How cute is the black box on top (it has Darth and a Storm Trooper on it)?? For $5 at Target, I couldn't pass it up. It doesn't hold anything yet, but I know it will be useful in the future. It matched his little Star Wars theme perfectly, so I had to get it!

Oh, and his window. We painted the windowsill finally, but the screen may take a bit more work. The only thing we can do to it right now is tape it back together until we get a new window :-( It won't look all that nice, but it should be functional enough for the nice cool fall nights.

 (a panorama picture, so it looks way smaller than it is)

Some things I might still add: possibly his name with wooden letters like Booger's room (maybe by the light switch or hanging behind the crib?) and eventually changing the closet and adding more storage for toys and books as he gets older (though Booger is so good at sharing with him, he'll probably just use her toys in her room!).

And now.... you get to choose the next room for Room Makeover September!

Will it be:

A) The addition: 

This mother-in-law suite was added to our house between 10-15 years ago (so not part of the original home). It is a rather large, open space with a full bathroom and closet. The plantation shutters match those in our living room and are absolutely gorgeous.... but we never use this room. It has become more of a dumping ground.
What do we want this room for? Multi-function. It's right off of the living room, so if we have people over, we open up this room (especially because of the bathroom). We also like having the small weights and bench in there. It houses some of Husbands game systems and toys, as well as all of our movies.
I want to get rid of the baby toys (though they have to wait for Chunk to grow out of first), the shelving unit and possibly one of the couches. This room needs some direction and help! The hard part is the fact that it houses the crawl space opening, so nothing can go on top of that, and next to the closet is a weird nook too...
(These pictures depict the room as is in this current moment. I like to call it crazy chaos.)

 From doorway looking straight in

(see the odd area in the back? The door is the bathroom, and in the weird space is the hatch to the crawl space under the floor...)

 (I promise I don't normally display our teacups on the weight bench...)

 (Panorama shot taken from bathroom doorway)


B) the Kitchen: 

Husband does not want to do this, but I do! We are no where near able to do a full kitchen remodel for at least another few years. In the meantime, I think it would be nice to paint the cabinets white again (they are so old and dingy), put some nicer paper on the shelves, get some new hardware (drawer pulls, handles), redo the pantry shelving, and potentially replacing the counter top (such a small area, it shouldn't be too expensive).
 (yes, this is my entire kitchen... the door on the left goes to the backyard, door on the right is the pantry and the door at the back is to the dining room)

Husband says we should save time and money for the remodel, but knowing us, it'll be at least another 5 years before that happens (he says next year, but no way!). We have big plans for it, including opening up the wall behind the fridge into the dining room, relocating the sink to the back wall (which means replacing that window which is huge, but too low for cabinets) and adding a small island.

Leave me a comment with your choice, and tune in next Wednesday for the result!

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