Monday, September 19, 2016

Room Makeover- Playroom Update

Hi all!
What a crazy week last week was. Husband was out of town for a work trip from Tuesday through Saturday, so I was on my own with both kiddos for 5 days.... I'm happy to report we all survived with minimal scarring (Serious about that.. Booger did manage to get her first bee sting while at the zoo on Thursday. Luckily it doesn't look like shes allergic- it barely affected her at all!)

So the playroom took a small back burner last week. We did get two things done- moved all the toys in and paint some letters for the word PLAY. Since the walls are dark, I'm going with lighter colors- pink, white, blue and sea green.

I moved the toys in there last Monday when we babysat my two nephews. It was way easier to have all the kids in one room with a door! It cemented the idea that the playroom was a good idea-- see Husband? I said you were right...

So, the update. For now, this is the configuration we are having. We do plan to add two small chairs in the corners (the tub in the back corner is leaving eventually) and possibly a small bench with storage bins to the back wall.

Booger has spent almost every waking minute in this room. Remember, its all the toys she had out in the living room before... so nothing new. But for some reason she is loving this room way more. I do enjoy that there is enough room to put Chunk on the ground to play while room for Booger to run around and go crazy at the same time.

What is left?

** rearranging wall items- we have two Star Wars posters and three puzzles I've completed. I'd like to put the puzzles more around the room instead in the back corner by the weight bench.
** adding a few clipboards to the walls over the bench (when that comes down). That way we can hang some of Booger's artwork, and swap them out easily.
** adding fun painted words-- PLAY, CREATE, LAUGH around the room
** buy or make 1-2 floor pillows (one for each kid to relax on- for Chunk when he is big enough).  Boys and Girls links
** get two small chairs for the corners to relax on, and use when playing the video games (found here)
** bringing in the bluetooth speakers so we can play music!

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